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Archive for June, 2012

Photo #1324 – 06.30.12

Tiered Flowers

A couple weeks ago, Heather painted some flowerpots, stacked them, added some pretty flowers and a house number, and created something crafty and cool-looking for our front stoop.  I thought it came out pretty well and adds a nice splash of color to the front of the house.

Photo #1323 – 06.29.12

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Our garden has been starting to take shape over the past month, and most everything is growing pretty well.  Heather planted some beans, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, scallions, basil, and mint (mojitos anyone?!?), and while we’re not quite sure what to expect as we experiment with some veggies at our new home, hopefully we’ll have some good results!

Photo #1322 – 06.28.12

Wedding Dress Detail

Wedding dresses can certainly be intricately designed, and my sister-in-law Amy had a beautiful dress.  It was repurposed from my mother-in-law’s wedding dress and had great flowery details, some of which are shown in the photo above.

Photo #1321 – 06.27.12

Time to Print the Maps

As a cartographer, I have found many people have questions about how trail maps are made, so I am always more than happy to describe the process.  Aside from creating the maps and collecting GPS information on the trails, a big component of the process is the printing itself.  Working with large printing facilities, we print our maps on a special synthetic material called Tyvek, and this Tyvek is run through massive six-color offset printing presses like the one above.  Each ink color has a separate printing plate, and the sheets of Tyvek run through this machine from right to left to produce our popular trail maps.  It’s fascinating watching this machinery at work, so I always enjoy attending these map printings.

Tonight I’ll be in Norwalk, CT concluding a series of presentations at regional REI stores about how maps are made.  I hope I have shed some light on this topic for you as well!

Photo #1320 – 06.26.12

Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer Do

I’m half crazy, all for the love of you.

This song, “Daisy Bell”, is a well known song (or at least the chorus is, of which this phrase is the beginning and the line “…of a bicycle built for two” is the ending).  Of course, the song doesn’t really have much to do with the flower in the photo above, but the song ran through my head as I was looking though photos.  This is one of many daisy photos I took last July on a camping trip when these oxeye daisies were everywhere and afforded lots of great photo opportunities.

Photo #1319 – 06.25.12

Majestic Bald Eagle

As you can likely tell by the concrete structures and fencing in the background (and out-of-focus in the foreground), this bald eagle was certainly not photographed in the wild…maybe the wild of New York City, but that’s about it.  Still, this beautiful bird was pretty cool to see up close at the Bronx Zoo, and he was certainly doing a patriotic pose for my camera when this shot was taken.

Photo #1318 – 06.24.12

Curtains of Water at Rutherford Falls

Rutherford Falls is a bit off the beaten path in High Point State Park, but it is definitely worth the hilly trek to enjoy the tranquil serenity of its multiple cascades.  This particular drop wasn’t the largest, but it did create some neat curtains of water over the wide rocky ledges.