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Posts tagged “camping

Photo #1573 – 03.07.13

Spikes in Black & White

I thought this flower had some neat textures to capture with macro close-ups, especially with some spheres of dew mixed in.  It also turned out that the flower was bathed in light while some dark green leaves behind it were in shadows, which created a great contrast to really allow the form of the flower to pop.

Photo #1569 – 03.03.13

Ben Loves Marshmallows

A nice campfire was always a pleasant way to end a day of fieldwork in the Yukon.  And part of that campfire experience definitely involved marshmallows.  My first time in the Yukon, I was with another student, Ben, mapping out vegetation along rivers.  We both loved campfire marshmallows, and I was able to capture Ben’s elation in this photo.  However, I was unable to capture our disappointment upon trying some horrible ‘flavoured’ marshmallows…I’m not even sure I could describe what they tasted like!

Photo #1568 – 03.02.13

Clear Morning Skies Above the Campground

It has been my experience that it is much better to wake up in your tent with the sun shining than to hear drops of rain on the surface of the tent.  And I would guess this is what most would think as well.  This photo was taken on one such sun-shiny morning as most of the other campers in our group were still sleeping, or perhaps just laying in bed not wanted to get up.

Photo #1566 – 02.28.13

Dogs in the Fire

Hot dogs, that is.  Mmm, mmm, hot dogs roasted over an open fire are quite delicious, especially when they are a bit charred.  There are many different strategies for roasting the hot dog (or in this case, hot dog and a half), but whatever gets the roaster their desired dog, that is all that matters.

Photo #1521 – 01.14.13

Abundant Daisies

I never really tire of finding lovely flowers to photograph, and it’s fun to try something new once in a while too.  So with this grouping of daisies, instead of focusing in on just one flower front-and-center, I went for a vertically-oriented shot that captured multiple flowers that increasing went out of focus moving away from the closest flower on the bottom.

Photo #1513 – 01.06.13

Greenish Rock in the Pond…with Eyes…

Greenish Rock in the Pond...with Eyes...

I would say this frog is doing a pretty good job of blending in with the surrounding rocks in this little pond…aside from the green coloring and little eye bumps.  But if you were just walking by and not paying close attention, it would certainly be pretty easy to pass right by this little guy without noticing.

Photo #1511 – 01.04.13

Morning Water Spheres

Morning dew always looks really cool when you look up close and see something like the water spheres of different sizes on this plant leaf.