Well…not quite daily recently…


Photo #1586

Lincoln Memorial at Night

I’ve been to the Lincoln Memorial twice…sort of.  My first visit was more of a run-by, as I passed Lincoln around the 11-mile mark of my Marine Corps Marathon.  I was honestly more focused on keeping my eyes peeled for Heather and my parents, who were planning to be there (luckily I spotted them loudly cheering among the sea of crazy spectators), so I didn’t really check out the building itself.

However, I was back in Washington D.C. just about a month later, and the Lincoln Memorial was one of a few places we checked out on our short trip.  The way all these structures were lit at night made them even more striking, and I thought the view of Lincoln sitting in his own columned Parthenon from this angle looked a bit majestic.  It was a chilly November evening, but I was glad to have the chance to experience this significant site and be reminded of this country’s history.

So Happy Birthday to Lincoln and Washington this month (rolled up into today’s Presidents’ Day).  And not to be forgotten, Happy Birthday today to my 9-year-old niece, Madison!

Photo #1585

Jeremy’s Childhood Stuff:  Care Bears


Ah yes, Christmas day 1985…what a glorious morning that was.  My sister got some ‘Princess of Power’ and Ken dolls, my brother got some Transformers (including an awesome Optimus Prime huge truck), a motorized Construx set, and a belt…and I, I got a box full of awesome Care Bears figures (I also got a huge red Tonka firetruck on Christmas Eve).  Of course, I don’t remember any of this, being a little more than 2.5 years old, but luckily we’ve got some great photos to fill in the gaps (thanks Mom and Dad!).

I may not remember that morning, but I do remember the Care Bears figures.  My mom said I played with them quite a lot, and I especially can think of playing with a green one with a shamrock and a lion one.

Flash forward almost 30 years, and I’ve finally grabbed tons of my childhood toys, games, trophies, sports memorabilia, junk, etc. from my parents’ attic (so stay tuned for more childhood memories centered around this stuff!).  Amongst all the goodies, we found a beat-up bag full of 20 Care Bears figures, and with a little scrubbing, they look almost brand new!  The photo below shows them all lined up after their cleaning, and now they are ready for Nolan to play with himself.  Maybe he’ll like playing with them as much as I did!

In case you are interested, the inspiring names of these figures are (from left to right, front to back):  Good Luck Bear, Cheer Bear, Tenderheart Bear, Grumpy Bear, Bedtime Bear, Love-a-Lot Bear, Funshine Bear, Birthday Bear, Grams, Baby Hugs, Baby Tugs, Champ Bear, Share Bear, Professor Coldheart, Cozy Heart Penguin, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Swift Heart Rabbit, Bright Heart Raccoon, Brave Heart Lion, and Cloudkeeper.

Photo #1578

Winter is On the Horizon

I’m back!  The last photo was posted back in February…but semi-regular photos haven’t really been posted for a much longer time period.  I don’t want to get your hopes up (or my own), but I’d really like to get back into a routine of sharing photos…so we’ll see how this goes!

Here’s a bit of background to get us up to speed — since starting this site 6 years ago (11.15.2008 was my first entry), a lot has certainly changed in my life.  Starting in 2012, I had a bit of difficulty posting a new photo every single day with both a new home and a pregnant wife, and there were multiple stretches of more than a couple weeks where I wasn’t able to post any photos.  By the time 2013 rolled along and our son Nolan was born, I completely fell off the bandwagon!  Time I might have spent picking a photo to post and write about was spent changing diapers or sleeping…  By January 2014, I hadn’t posted anything in 9 months and I attempted to get back into regular monthly or weekly postings, but even that just didn’t happen.  So now it is November 2014, and I’m giving it another go-around…the upshot of having not posted much of anything over the past 2 years is I definitely have plenty of great photos to share!

So to follow up yesterday’s Thanksgiving photo, here is a sunset shot I took this month with Nolan in our backyard.  We were doing some posed family shots in the last light of the day, and after sitting still, Nolan enjoyed being able to roam around.  We’re mostly set for winter, and we hope you are too!

Photo #1577

Happy Thanksgiving, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

Photo #1576 – 02.19.14

Leggs and Nolan, 14 Weeks

Nolan likes taunting Leggs…and Leggs mostly tries to avoid Nolan if he can.  But once in a while, Leggs will get cozy with Nolan, especially if he is on a blanket that he wants to lay on.  That’s what Leggs did back in July as we were taking some photos at Nolan’s 14 week mark, and they both smiled (kind of) for the camera while chillin’ on the sheep blanket.

I’m sure Leggs cannot wait for Nolan to become even more mobile than he already is!

Remember that guy who posted daily photos once upon a time?….

I think his name was Jeremy…Whatever happened to him?!

After nearly 9 months since my last post, I thought I had better post something or else I’ll even forget about this blog!  The short answer to this question is that primarily great things have happened in the past year.  Of course, these great things have also been time-consuming/life-consuming, so it has been difficult for me to really carve out a chunk of time to get back into my Daily Photographs.

The main life-changing event since last March was the birth of my son, Nolan Thomas, in mid-April.  He is nearing 9 months in age, and it is really remarkable how fast this time has flown by.  A few words that come to mind to describe the past ~9 months — tough, exhausting, rewarding, incredible, joy.

In terms of this photo blog, for now, I’ll be shooting for posting at least a Weekly Photograph…maybe I’ll be able to work back up to Daily photos at some point!  So please check back periodically, or just sign-up with your e-mail near the bottom of the page to receive new posts as they are written.

So with that, I’ll leave you with an all-smiles family photo from Christmas.  Here’s hoping 2014 is a great year!

Photo #1571 – 03.05.13

Noah Paints a Car

My nephew Noah loves his cars.  So you can definitely understand his excitement when he got a crafty paintable car for Christmas.  He was able to not only play with messy paints, but also make his own model car.  He did take a quick break to smile big for the camera before going back to painting his wheels.