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Posts tagged “madison

Photo #1586

Lincoln Memorial at Night

I’ve been to the Lincoln Memorial twice…sort of.  My first visit was more of a run-by, as I passed Lincoln around the 11-mile mark of my Marine Corps Marathon.  I was honestly more focused on keeping my eyes peeled for Heather and my parents, who were planning to be there (luckily I spotted them loudly cheering among the sea of crazy spectators), so I didn’t really check out the building itself.

However, I was back in Washington D.C. just about a month later, and the Lincoln Memorial was one of a few places we checked out on our short trip.  The way all these structures were lit at night made them even more striking, and I thought the view of Lincoln sitting in his own columned Parthenon from this angle looked a bit majestic.  It was a chilly November evening, but I was glad to have the chance to experience this significant site and be reminded of this country’s history.

So Happy Birthday to Lincoln and Washington this month (rolled up into today’s Presidents’ Day).  And not to be forgotten, Happy Birthday today to my 9-year-old niece, Madison!

Photo #1554 – 02.16.13

Madison and a Blanket

Today is Madison’s birthday, and it is crazy to think that she is already 7 years old!  This photo was taken when she was not quite 2 months old, as she was looking all cute underneath a plush blanket.

Happy Birthday, Madison!!

Photo #1502 – 12.26.12


Always one to be crafty, Aunt Heather helped Jada and Madison decorate flowerpots and plant some pretty flowers for Mother’s Day this past spring.  The two enjoyed a fun sleepover at our home and had fun painting, glitterizing, and getting dirty, not to mention also picking out the flowers they wanted from the store.  In the end, Madison went with pink flowers in a golden hued pot, while Jada went with purple flowers in a blue/purple camouflage pot…aren’t they wonderful!?

If you are ever looking for a fun little activity to keep a couple of girls busy, let them make their own flowerpots!

Photo #1409 – 09.23.12

Madison’s Fine Portrait Photography

Every once in a while, my oldest nieces Hannah and Madison will stare at the camera hanging from my neck and ask, “Can I take some pictures?!?”  As long as I can get the camera strap on their neck, I enjoy showing them how to use it, and they have both taken some good shots all on their own!  Just last night, Madison asked to take a picture of Grandma, Aunt Heather, Uncle Jer, and sister Jada, and although I am pretty sure she wasn’t exactly looking through the viewfinder, she snapped a nice ‘all smiles’ shot!

Photo #1389 – 09.03.12

The Apgar Clan, August 2012…Gone Crazy!!

Well…we were a good lookin’ crew, until someone said “Silly Faces!” and we erupted into chaos.  Kids will be kids…whether they are actual kids or just kids at heart…

Have a happy Labor Day!

Photo #1388 – 09.02.12

The Apgar Clan, August 2012

What a nice lookin’ group, if I may say so myself!  We took this photo in the beginning of August and managed to get smiles and open eyes throughout!  Gotta love family.

Photo #1327 – 07.03.12

Hannah & Madison at the Lake

My two oldest nieces are pretty difficult to separate when they get together.  Such was the case when we celebrated Mother’s Day with family this past year, after which Hannah and Madison were exploring the docks on the nearby Swartswood Lake.  It was a gorgeous day, and the two of them had no problem stopping for a moment to pose for a photo with the lake behind them.