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Archive for November, 2009

Photo #381 – 11.30.09

Campfire Fireworks (but not Fireworks IN the Campfire…)

The great thing about camping on a piece of property with no real neighbors (except for neighbors that come join in your festivities!) is that you don’t have to worry about annoying anyone with fireworks, gunshots, four-wheelers, and loud snoring from certain campers…

The photo above was taken this past Labor Day as we settled in for the night to watch sparks fly both from the campfire and from colorful cardboard tubes of all shapes and sizes.  It was a great show…and nothing burned that wasn’t supposed to burn…

Photo #380 – 11.29.09

Jada’s Baptism

This morning, we witnessed and took part in the baptism of Jada Aaltje.  She looked beautiful with her long, flowing dress.  And while she did flinch a bit when the pastor put the water across her forehead, it must not have bothered her too much, since she practically slept through the whole thing!

So congratulations to Jada and to Jon, Kristin and Madison!

Photo #379 – 11.28.09

Shingles from the 1800s

These are some old shingles.  Found on the top of the John Oliver Cabin in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, these wooden shingles are definitely showing their age, with plenty of rotting wood, moss, lichen, and other things growing on top.  But hey, the inside of the cabin seemed nice and dry, so they must do an okay job of keeping out the rain!

Photo #378 – 11.27.09

Rollin’ Bear

Bear is a big, older German Shepherd, but when he’s in the mood to play, he can certainly act like a puppy.  In this case, all it took was some fresh grass and warm sunshine and he was rolling all over the place.

Photo #377 – 11.26.09

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Photo #376 – 11.25.09

Autumn in Sussex County

From the top of Sunrise Mountain, the changing leaves across Frankford and Wantage can be quite a sight.  These yellows and oranges dominated much of the landscape at this point in late October, even though the area was slightly past peak fall foliage.

Photo #375 – 11.24.09

Where’s the Bald Eagle?

You get a gold star if you can use your ‘eagle eyes’ to spot the bald eagle in this photo.  In April 2007, Ken and I were driving back to our cabin after a long day of hiking up mountains and digging snowpits, and out of the corner of my eye I spotted this bald eagle off in the distance.  Coincidentally, a year prior I spotted a bald eagle about 500 feet further down this road sitting on a rock ledge…same one?!?  You be the judge…if you can see them…

Bald Eagle Avoiding My Camera – April 2006